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Solar PV Power Plant

By utilizing PV solar cells, home or business owners are able to generate electricity from sunlight, saving money and minimizing our carbon footprint on this planet hence doing their bit to saving the planet. This solar generated energy is used to offset or replace power that would normally be purchased from the utility.

Solar Water Heaters

Domestic solar water heating systems do not need significant maintenance requirements. Occasional leakages in the plumbing could be easily repaired by common plumbers. In case quality of water is hard, scale deposition in the collectors may result over the years. This may require de-scaling with acids for which it is best to contact the suppliers. Broken glass may also have to be replaced by the suppliers. If outside exposed surfaces are painted, the paint may have to be redone every 2-3 years to prevent corrosion of the surfaces.
It can be installed on: Roof tops, Building terraces, Open grounds, balconies facing south. There should be no shadowing. You said that the hot water will be available for 300-325 days in year. How about the rest of the days? Every SWHS can be provided with auxiliary back up heating system by Electrical heater at extra cost.
No, currently, the Government Does Not Provide any subsidy on Solar Water Heater.


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